Sabado, Abril 7, 2012

Change Facebook Log-In Page Background

This is a great Facebook Trick. you can change your facebook login page.
This doesn't affect your facebook account. it just change the login page. you can search google for HD wallpapers and assign any photo. if you are new to my blog read previous Facebook Tips and Tricks. There are more cool tricks posted like this. ok lets start. This is easy just few simple steps to follow.
First go to and search for "HD Wallpapers" you can choose search options as you wish. but dont forget to select large images option in left side of the search page. so you can get high resolution photos. but it will take few more seconds to load your Facebook login page. anyways it didn't make my browser slow as they told. you can pick images from any web site. no need to go google. just right click and select Copy image URL option and paste in on options windows as shown in below steps.

NOTE: This trick still available for Google Chrome browser only.
This is how we change Facebook login background image in Google chrome.
CLICK HERE to download google chrome plugin for changing Facebook login background.

Click on Add to Chrome button. it will ask confirmation like below. click install button it will take few seconds.

Now go to your background has been changed. now lets add any photo as we like. Click on change facebook wall paper button as shown in the following picture. then a window will open asking new image URL.

Pick any photo from a web site or from google search. do you now you can Change Google Search Page Background also. you can add your photos also. simple upload them to a image sharing site and give link to that box shown in below. you can put photos from your facebook albums. first make that photo available to public. then copy image url in here..

This is how to get image url from google image search

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